from copilot import vulnerabilities

Not your grandfather's MVC

This was perfectly predictable. CoPilot generates insecure code, as expected.

Machine Learning, the magic pixie dust of the past decade, is all about volume. And writing secure code is harder than writing insecure code. So by sheer volume there will be a lot more insecure code around.

Given that a lot of code in the wild is essentially a minimum viable copypaste from the highest scoring answer on StackOverflow, teaching the code generator model has obviously consumed a lot of insecure code. Since SO rewards speed, the answers that take the least time to write will receive most points.

Writing secure code takes more time and more space - so by the time someone submits an answer that considers security aspects, the person asking the question has already accepted (and ran with) the first and shortest working answer instead.

StackOverflow has redefined the MVC programming model. It now stands for Minimum Viable Copypaste.