Tramp - Tray Mpd Client
The primary function of a music player is to play audio files. mpd does just that, and Tramp is a minimalistic client with only the bare necessities needed to listen to music.
- Tray icon
- Playlist creation
- Playlist selection
- Seeking with mousewheel
Everything else is controlled with mpc by binding actions to multimedia keys.
Get the Source
There are no prebuilt binaries. Just grab the source:
git clone git://
and build. The source tree contains required files to build into a debian/ubuntu package. Install the needed build dependencies and make your own package:
sudo aptitude install autotools-dev debhelper-dev libmpd-dev libgtk-3-dev fakeroot
dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot
The code, including comments, is just ~1600 lines of C.
Because tramp is a minimalistic client, there won't be much in way of screenshots. However, these are the things you're likely to see when using tramp:
Systray icon: ;
Main window for playlist selection:
In addition, the current playlist is shown in tooltip.
Using Tramp
- Left-clicking on tray icon pops up the window
- Right-clicking on window hides it
- Right-clicking on tray icon also hides window, if it's shown
- Each scrollwheel click on main window seeks 15 seconds
Configuration Examples
When using tramp, controlling mpd is meant to be done with hardware keys. Practically all modern keyboards sport a variety of "multimedia keys" that may be bound to perform actions of all sorts.
My controls for mpd and audio, from fluxbox keybinding file look like this:
None XF86Forward :ExecCommand mpc next None XF86Back :ExecCommand mpc prev None XF86AudioPlay :ExecCommand mpc play None XF86AudioMute :ExecCommand mpc stop Mod1 XF86AudioPlay :ExecCommand mpc toggle None XF86AudioRaiseVolume :ExecCommand aumix -v +2 None XF86AudioLowerVolume :ExecCommand aumix -v -2
While the unmodified keys require no explanation, I have bound Alt+AudioPlay to "toggle", which really is just mpd's way of saying "Pause/Un-Pause".